Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Larry David Moment

Writing status. I have decided to write mostly short stories for the time being. My attention span, along with my free time, have come up short over the last few weeks, and this whole novel writing endeavor's flustering abilities are in full force. Instead, I will continue to write, but focus on short stories for now.

In all, I have written 1 complete novel, 3/4 of another novel, 1/2 of another, and two 50 page beginnings to two others. I have to admit, that I have a wandering mind when it comes to writing. I won't even go into how many short stories I have started and bailed on. I do have a LOT more completed short stories, though.

Anyways, on to the Larry David moment:

A few weeks ago, the ladies in my office, lovely ladies who could not be nicer to me, decided to throw a baby shower / Potluck for one of the managers in my office. She actually popped the tyke out on 8/8/08. The thing is, I had only been with this team for a few months, and I had not spoken more than three words to this woman. She is not my supervisor, so I didn't really have a need to interact with her at all.

So, when the planning for the shower was going on, I was told it was "Optional." Optional is defined as... Optional. I'm not going to look it up. You have the internet. You look it up! Anyway, they said it was optional, but the ladies putting it on strongly encouraged everyone to attend, as the party would be more enjoyable with more people.

I decided I would not go. I didn't know her. I had never been to a baby shower. I had no idea what it would be, other than gifts and food, but I generally spend my lunches writing or doing something else that I don't get much time for.

The day before the shower, my co-worker Gretta asked what I was bringing to the potluck, and I informed her I was not going. She was confused, but let the subject drop.

On the day of the shower, it was pandemonium. A few minutes before it was to start, people started coming up to my desk, telling me to get in there.

"I'm not going," I said.

"Why not?" one woman asked.

"I'm just not into baby showers," I said. Is anyone in to baby showers?

"You sure?" another woman asked.

"Yeah, I'm good," I said.

By the time the fifth or sixth person asked, I felt like a jerk. I regretted not going, but I had already made my decision, and turning back now would make me look like an idiot to those that had asked.

The final person to ask was not my supervisor, not my supervisor's supervisor, but the senior manager of our department. She cocked her head to one side, almost as if I just told her one of my family members had died, and said "Are you sure you don't want to come have some food? There's plenty."

I didn't go, and I felt like Larry David the entire time, always getting himself into socially awkward situations on "Curb Your Enthusiasm."

There is a wedding shower for my supervisor this Friday. Not only am I going, but I already pitched in for a gift with a co-worker and have planned out exactly what I am bringing for the potluck.

The moral of the story: If you work on a team made up of 90 percent women, and they invite you to a baby shower, a wedding shower, or even a shoe-shining shower, you go. You pass Go, collect $200 and damn well GO! If you don't they might think you hate babies, or weddings, or shoe-shiners. Hell, even if you do hate babies, you go!